PAIDI Schoolworld 2022/23

The term Sitness ® describes the following principle: promoting fit- ness while sitting. Because regardless of whether you are a primary school kid or a teenager - Fitness is required everywhere and is constantly required by body and mind. That is why the Tio Sitness ® desk chair for schoolchildren has a stable joint underneath the seat, while Speedy our active stool has a specially curved foot. Both methods serve the same purpose: they make moveable sitting possible. The Sitness ® technology creates a semi-rigid connection between floor and body through the seating furniture - stable enough to sit securely and flexible enough to ensure that sitting does not become a burden in the long run. Not only the particularly hard-working kids will be happy to sit down and study with this clever furniture. Active and dynamic sitting prevents posture damage, improves blood circulation and trains the muscles. And those who already have a well-trained back feel more comfortable and have more energy for learning and creativity. The advantages of Sitness ® A healthy, natural range of motion makes sitting noticeably easier for children and is good for the spine and circulation trains pelvic and back muscles Extends the ability to concentrate Increases motivation Active stool Speedy Standing/Sitting Stool Swifty Desk chair Tio Sitness ® 89 PAIDI Schoolworld |